Thursday 5 February 2015

Setting & Achieving Goals. The First Step In Your Path To Succes.

Ardi Hassirchian                       Setting & Achieving Goals: The first step in your path to success!
March 28th, 2015

The Bridge To Success.
Every person wants to be considered successful in life in one way or another; whether that means to be a loving parent, or to provide for his/her family as a "breadwinner''. However, the determinant of one’s success fully depends on his/her own actions. How many times have you told yourself, ‘I am going to start tomorrow,'' but a month passes by and you still find yourself sitting on the couch, watching your favorite T.V. show with a bag of chips in your hand and procrastinating? Now is the time to take initiative and start your own path to success. The first step is to track your progress by setting and achieving your own personal goals. No, I do not mean goals in a sports game; I am talking about setting specific short term and long term objectives that you must accomplish by a certain date. By setting sharp, clearly defined goals, you can track your own progress and give purpose to an idea that may have once seemed pointless. As you achieve each goal, you will soon find that you are becoming more self-confident and your motivation to accomplish exceptional results will be flying through the roof! You will finally be on the path to moving out of your parent's basement and begin a new chapter in your life. There are 3 key steps in setting your goals. The first step is to write your goal down on a piece of paper; otherwise it is merely a wish. It is important that you set small and realistic goals at the beginning; if you start off setting non-realistic, long term goals, you may find that you are feeling intimidated and overwhelmed and give up before you have even started. I cannot stress enough the importance of gradually working your way up when setting goals. Moreover, when writing down your goals on paper, it is important that each goal you set is detailed. For example, setting a goal of ''losing 5 pounds in 2 weeks'' is far more superior than ''losing some weight in 2 weeks''. After writing your goals down on paper, you must determine a realistic date in which you must finish the task. If you never set a completion date, there may be a lack of motivation and this might lead your whole plan falling through. Last but not least, make sure that you set some time aside every day to work on your goals. For example, reserve 1:00-3:00 p.m. to work on your resume every day. After you have finished these three steps, you must take action immediately. The longer you wait, the less motivation you will have and it will become increasingly difficult to achieve your goals. After completing these three steps and taking proper actions in accomplishing your goals, you may find that the goal that you set at the beginning of the year to ''finish your resume'' has turned into ''earning the promotion as the new assistant manager''. Now is the time to turn your life around; Get up off the coach, take off your pajamas and begin to dress for success. Set attainable goals and you will soon find that your accumulated debt will be taking care of itself!

Below I have listed the link to an entertaining video for you guys to check out about setting & achieving your goals!
Made by: CartooningGenius

Also, make sure to check out these four helpful websites &
blogs about setting reachable goals & achieving them!

  1) ttp://
  Written by: Molly Cain (Forbes Magazine)
  Written by: Tom Ewer
  Written by: Samantha Smith (Forbes Magazine)
   Written by: Dr. Phillip E. Humbert

Here is an interesting quote on the importance of setting goals:
''By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.'' - Benjamin Franklin

Resources for my original photos:
1)  2012. Personal Goal Setting. By James Lynn. Web. 5 Feb. 2015.
2)  2014 The Science Of Setting Goals. By Michael Hyatt. Web. 5 Feb. 2015.
3)  2011 The Beginners Guide To Setting Goals. By Janice Hardy. Web. 5 Feb. 2015

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