Saturday 7 February 2015

Overcoming Adversity: The Third Step In Your Path To Success!

Ardi Hassirchian                                           Overcoming Adversity
April 1st 2015                               The Third Step In Your Path To Success!

Whether you like it or not, setbacks are a part of everybody’s lives. There is no avoiding it; however, it is how you deal with adversity that defines your success. We can let it get the best of us and whine about how unlucky we are, or we can bounce back stronger than we ever have before. A great example that I like to use in regard with overcoming adversity is J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series. She was a single mother, who was living off of government assistance. After she wrote her first Harry Potter book, she showed it to several publishing companies and they all rejected it. However, despite the fact that the odds were against her, she never gave up and eventually the book was published by Bloomsbury. From there she continued on the Harry Potter series and soon became one of the most highly regarded authors in the world. The moral of the story is that every person who has become successful has faced their own adversity at some point in their life, but the way that they dealt with it, made them who they are today. J.K. Rowling could have easily become disheartened and gave up on trying to publish the book. However, she decided to work harder to get to the positition that she wanted to be in life and provide for her family instead.
 Be Strong Minded!

Today I am going to provide you as a reader an essential tip regarding how to prepare yourself for adversity before it even strikes. In order to develop skills to overcome adversities, you have to build your internal and external resources. By devoloping internal resources I am talking about improving your mental strength. By becoming a strong minded person,who also gains valuable charactar traits such as discipline & courage, you will be ready to deal with any setback that comes your way. If you are weak minded, the second that something bad happens, you will feel like your world is crumbling apart. You may begin to panic and decide to take the easy way out by giving up. Furthermore, building your external resources is crucial in regards with dealing with adversity. Having external resources means that you have a group of people around you to rely on when adversity strikes. Facing a major setback and having nobody to speak to can be frightening. Often times when people lack a friend to guide them in their time of need, they will rely on negative outlets instead such as drugs or alcohol to make them feel better. Also, you would be surprised to find out how comforting the presence of another person can really be. So the next time that you face a setback, don't be a chicken and give up. You are a warrior and your comeback to success is going to be better than ever. Build your internal and external resources and you will soon find that you feel like a freight train, nothing will be able to stop you in reaching your destination in life!
 Below I have listed the link to an awesome video about overcoming adversity. I hope this motivates you to never give up in life!
  Made by: Edgevolution  

Also, make sure to check out these 4 awesome websites/blogs that talk about overcoming adversity!
Written by: Helena Nyman
Written by: Tracy Jewel
Written by: Calvin Sun
Written by: Liz Noelcke

Finally, I wanted to share a cool quote with you guys about overcoming adversity in life. I hope this motivates you!
''There is no better than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time.'' - Malcolm X
Resources for my original photos:
1) Strong Mindedness. 2013. How To Overcome A Setback By Heather Kurluffle. Web. 7 Feb. 2015.
2) Overcoming Adversity. 2014. 5 Tips To Overcome Adversity. Ed. Greg Ellison. Web. 7 Feb. 2015

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