Friday 6 February 2015

Maintaining Your Work Ethic. The Second Step In Your Path To Success!

 Ardi Hassirchian                                  Maintaining Your Work Ethic
 February 6th 2015                                The Second Step In Your Path To Success!

        Setting a goal is one piece to the puzzle; however, having the discipline to go through the same routine and be consistent is far more difficult to accomplish. One day you may be feeling quite motivated, you are full of energy and you feel like nothing can stop you; however, the next morning you wake up and you cannot manage to even get out of bed. Does that sound familiar to you? If so, then this article is for you. I have noticed that people become disinterested in the goals that they have set far too easily. There is no question that repeating the same actions on a day to day basis with little to no results could be disheartening. However, one has to acknowledge that results do not come overnight. They require countless hours of working one’s butt off. I remember when I first started going to the gym and I thought to myself ''how can people do the exact same exercises on a daily basis?''. I had only been to the gym for 2-3 weeks and I was already finding that my determination to workout was fading away. The intensity of my workouts was drastically decreasing, and I knew that it was a matter of time before I gave up. To avoid this, I decided to speak to the only person I knew who loves working out more than anything else in the world, my brother. Sam had been weightlifting for several years and I was determined to find out his secret to his consistency and success. So I went up to him and asked, ''How can you go to the gym every day and just squat over and over again? Don't you get tired of it at some point?'' The response that he gave me changed my perspective on work ethics for the rest of my life; it helped me maintain my goal to continue working out for years to come. He told me, ''Everybody goes through the same boredom when working towards their goal. It's just that some people can fight through it, while others give up.'' He was basically telling that everybody experiences similar emotions. Even the people who are considered successful, feel tired, sick, and lack motivation at points to work towards their goals. However, the difference is that they have perseverance and get the work done anyway, even when that means them being bored, tired or overworked. People often become easily discouraged, when they lack the motivation to accomplish their goals. They think to themselves, ''Oh, I clearly do not have the same passion as successful people'' and give up instead. It has become clear to me that you do not need to go ''all out'' every day when you are working towards your goal. Some days you may be able to; however, putting in your best effort on the days that you don't feel energetic is what truly makes people successful. Doing a little bit of work day by day is far more superior to trying hard for one day, then resting for a week. It is important to recognize that we will all have our ''off'' days. We may be feeling fatigued or sick, but it is important that we still continue on little by little. Having a gradual pace to your workload can be very beneficial to your success. This way, you will find that you are not tiring yourself out quickly, and you will soon find that your work efficiency, and consistency are drastically improving. So the next time you find that you are overworking yourself and do not feel like continuing on, acknowledge that it may be time to take your foot off the gas pedal and ease your workload.

Below, I have listed the link to a YouTube video for you to watch! I know it may seem a little bit childish, but I hope you can look past that and understand the meaning of the story that ''Slow and steady wins the race''. This simple video conveys the message that it is better to gradually do your work, but be perseverant (like the turtle) as opposed to trying to go all out and end up burning yourself out. (like the rabbit)
Made by: Hooplakidz

Also, make sure to check out these 4 websites & blogs related to maintaining your goals/work ethic!
Written by James Clear
Written by: The Muse (Forbes Magazine)
Written by: Suzanne Gerber
Written by Steve Pavlina

Resources for my original photos:
1) Working Everyday. 2013. Maintaining Your Work Ethic. By Robert Ellison. Web. 6 Feb. 2015.
2) Stay Focused. 2011. How to Stay Focused on Your Goals. By Clara Nowicki. Web. 6 Feb. 2015.
3) 2012. Developing Long Term Focus. By Jenny Harrison. Web. 6 Feb. 2015.
4)Don't Give Up. 2014. How to Never Give up on Your Goals. By Maria Klarova. Web. 6 Feb. 2015.
5) Slow and Steady Wins the Race. 2013. Why Slow and Steady Wins the Race by Greg Connolly.         Web. 6 Feb. 2015.

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