Monday 9 February 2015

Finding Happiness. The 5th & Final Step In Your Path To Success!

Ardi Hassirchian                                         Finding Hapiness
April 9th 2015                  The Fifth & Final Step In Your Path To Success!

After you have completed the steps in my previous blogs you should be well on your way to reaching the goals that you have set for yourself. However, even with a high paying job, a beautiful house, and a head turning car, you may still not feel like a success. How is that possible you ask? You are living lavishly, and your hard work has paid off, so why do you still feel unsuccessful? The answer is that you are not happy with yourself. No matter how much money you make, if you do not feel happy with your purpose in life, you will never consider yourself to be a success. You must wake up on those Monday mornings jumping out of bed, and feeling ecstatic about the day to come, rather than waking up feeling grouchy, and dreading the day you have ahead at your job that you despise. There is no question that being successful does contribute to your happiness, but not in the way that most people think it does. It is a fact that some of the richest and most ''successful'' people in the world are not the happiest, as it is evident through their memoirs and actions, such as going through depression or committing suicide. This is because they thought that success and happiness come together and are interchangable, which is not the case. They sacrificed their happiness at one point in their lives, so that they can be even happier once they are making money. This is a plan that is doomed to fail. I believe that being joyful can play a critical role in your success in the first place! People love to work with other people, who are positive, and passionate about life. For example, as a businessman, you are far more likely to succeed with a smile on your face. If you look grouchy, and down all the time, you repel the attraction of other people; therefore, new opportunities will be hard to come by. Also, if you are feeling upbeat throughout the day, you are more likely to get more work done and add to your success. Furthermore, I highly recommend that whenever you are setting a new goal, or staying up until late at night to work towards a goal, look back and think to yourself, '' Am I happy? Is what I am working towards going to be something that I enjoy doing on a day to day basis? Or am I just doing it for the money?'' If the answer is that you are just doing it for the money, you need to re-evaluate your goals. By no means does money equal happiness and being considered successful by people who you've never spoken to before has no value. I would much rather be happy with myself, even if I am considered a ''loser'' by others. So remember that if  you are happy, you are a success! No matter what goes wrong in life, your happiness can always remain. If you get laid off from your job, as long as you are happy, there is going to be hope to succeed once again. So my tip to you, my readers, is to always stay joyful! If you are finding that your life has become dull and you no longer have the same drive that you once had, it may be time to take some time off and  re-evaluate your actions and your life in general. Take a vacation, go on a hike, make sure that you enjoy your life and remember that your happiness comes first. Your success will come as a byproduct of that!

Below, I have listed the link to an informative video about why to be happy! Make sure that you check it out.
Made by: PragerUniversity

Also, make sure to take a look at these 4 awesome websites/blogs regarding the importance of happiness!
Written by: Susie Pearl
Written by: Laura Shin
Written by: Kathy Caprino
Written by: Elizabeth Landau

Last but not least, I wanted to include an awesome quote for you guys to check out regarding the importance of happiness to feeling succesful.
'' It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness'' - Charles Spurgeon

Resources For My Original Photos:
1) Petser, Lauren. Happiness Cross Street. 2013. Why Happiness Is So Important. Web. 9 Feb. 2015
2) Relaxing Time. 2014. Happiness Is Healthy. By Tyler Reed. Web. 9 Feb. 2015.
3) Big Smile. 2014. Happiness Is The Value Of Every Moment. By Christina Kim. Web. 9 Feb. 2015.
4) On Top Of The World. 2013. Happiness And Success. Ed. Jenny Wang. Web. 9 Feb. 2015.

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